Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to revert setting device attributes

The syntax is

set device SymDevName[:SymDevName]
[attribute=[NO] device_attr];

set dev 0D44 attribute= NO SCSI3_PERSIST_RESERV;

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Netapp Snapshot: quick guide

Netapp Snapshot: quick guide

Netapp Snapshot technology helps in creating point-in-time copies of file systems, which you can use to protect data—from a single file to a complete disaster recovery solution. You can create a Snapshot copies in less than a second, regardless of volume size or level of activity on your NetApp system. Currently there is a limit of 255 snapshots per volume. Read more at Netapp Tech library.

Here is a quick overview of the netapp snapshot management commands.

To list a snapshots on a netapp storage volume

filer2> snap list vol79
Volume vol79

%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 22:00 hourly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 21:00 hourly.1
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 00:00 nightly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 11 00:00 nightly.1
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 10 00:00 weekly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 09 00:00 nightly.2
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 08 00:00 nightly.3
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 07 00:00 nightly.4
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 03 00:00 weekly.1

To create a manual snapshot

filer2> snap create vol79 test123

filer2> snap list vol79
Volume vol79

%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 22:09 test123
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 22:00 hourly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 21:00 hourly.1
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 12 00:00 nightly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 11 00:00 nightly.1
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 10 00:00 weekly.0
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 09 00:00 nightly.2
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 08 00:00 nightly.3
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 07 00:00 nightly.4
0% ( 0%) 0% ( 0%) Nov 03 00:00 weekly.1

Print the snapshot schedules for a volume (hourly, nightly, weekly snapshot)

filer2> snap sched vol79
Volume vol79: 2 5 2

Change snapshot schedules

filer2> snap sched vol79 2 4 3
filer2> snap sched vol79
Volume vol79: 2 4 3

Show snapshot reserve space ( the space allotted to store snapshot in volume )

filer2> snap reserve vol79
Volume vol79: current snapshot reserve is 0% or 0 k-bytes.
filer2> df -h vol79
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol79/ 300GB 229GB 70GB 77% /vol/vol79/
/vol/vol79/.snapshot 0MB 65MB 0MB ---% /vol/vol79/.snapshot

Change snaphot reserve space

filer2> snap reserve vol79 5
filer2> df -h vol79
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol79/ 285GB 229GB 55GB 81% /vol/vol79/
/vol/vol79/.snapshot 15GB 66MB 14GB 0% /vol/vol79/.snapshot

To delete a snapshot

filer2> snap delete vol79 test123

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to verify FA port connections

root /opt/emc/SYMCLI/V6.5.2/bin: symcfg -fa all list -port -sid 67

Symmetrix ID: 000290xxxxx67


Director Port Status Connection Status
Ident Type Status P0 P1 P2 P3 P0 P1 P2 P3

FA-3A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-4A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-7A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-8A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - X - -
FA-9A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-10A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-13A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-14A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -
FA-3B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-4B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-7B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-8B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-9B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-10B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-13B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-14B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-3C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-4C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-7C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-8C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-9C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-10C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-13C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-14C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -
FA-3D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-4D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-7D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-8D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-9D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-10D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-13D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -
FA-14D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -

Legend for Connection Status:

(X) : Fibre Port is Connected to a Fibre Port (HBA, Switch or RF Director)
(-) : Fibre Port is Not Connected.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to check any failing disk on symm box

# ./symdisk -sid 94 -failed list

Symmetrix ID : 000190104xx4

No devices were found

Symmetrix ID : 000190104xx4
Timestamp of Status Data : 09/23/2010 18:48:

How to check any failing disk on symm box

# ./symdisk -sid 94 -failed list

Symmetrix ID : 000190104xx4

No devices were found

Symmetrix ID : 000190104xx4
Timestamp of Status Data : 09/23/2010 18:48:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Recovery of VCMDB

Recovery of VCMDB Steps

a. Create empty VCMDB

#symmaskdb -sid symid -file file_bkp init

b. Recover VCMDB

# symmaskdb -sid symid -file file_bkp restore

c. Refresh the Symmetrix FA's with the new VCMDB

# symmask -sid symid refresh

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Netapp Snapmirror Setup Guide

Netapp Snapmirror Setup Guide

Snapmirror is an licensed utility in Netapp to do data transfer across filers. Snapmirror works at Volume level or Qtree level. Snapmirror is mainly used for disaster recovery and replication.

Snapmirrror needs a source and destination filer. (When source and destination are the same filer, the snapmirror happens on local filer itself. This is when you have to replicate volumes inside a filer. If you need DR capabilities of a volume inside a filer, you have to try syncmirror ).

Synchronous SnapMirror is a SnapMirror feature in which the data on one system is replicated on another system at, or near, the same time it is written to the first system. Synchronous SnapMirror synchronously replicates data between single or clustered storage systems situated at remote sites using either an IP or a Fibre Channel connection. Before Data ONTAP saves data to disk, it collects written data in NVRAM. Then, at a point in time called a consistency point, it sends the data to disk.

When the Synchronous SnapMirror feature is enabled, the source system forwards data to the destination system as it is written in NVRAM. Then, at the consistency point, the source system sends its data to disk and tells the destination system to also send its data to disk.

This guides you quickly through the Snapmirror setup and commands.

1) Enable Snapmirror on source and destination filer

source-filer> options snapmirror.enable
snapmirror.enable on
source-filer> options snapmirror.access
snapmirror.access legacy

2) Snapmirror Access

Make sure destination filer has snapmirror access to the source filer. The snapmirror filer's name or IP address should be in /etc/snapmirror.allow. Use wrfile to add entries to /etc/snapmirror.allow.

source-filer> rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow

3) Initializing a Snapmirror relation

Volume snapmirror : Create a destination volume on destination netapp filer, of same size as source volume or greater size. For volume snapmirror, the destination volume should be in restricted mode. For example, let us consider we are snapmirroring a 100G volume - we create the destination volume and make it restricted.

destination-filer> vol create demo_destination aggr01 100G
destination-filer> vol restrict demo_destination
Volume SnapMirror creates a Snapshot copy before performing the initial transfer. This copy is referred to as the baseline Snapshot copy. After performing an initial transfer of all data in the volume, VSM (Volume SnapMirror) sends to the destination only the blocks that have changed since the last successful replication. When SnapMirror performs an update transfer, it creates another new Snapshot copy and compares the changed blocks. These changed blocks are sent as part of the update transfer.

Snapmirror is always destination filer driven. So the snapmirror initialize has to be done on destination filer. The below command starts the baseline transfer.

destination-filer> snapmirror initialize -S source-filer:demo_source destination-filer:demo_destination
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapmirror status' or the snapmirror log.

Qtree Snapmirror : For qtree snapmirror, you should not create the destination qtree. The snapmirror command automatically creates the destination qtree. So just volume creation of required size is good enough.
Qtree SnapMirror determines changed data by first looking through the inode file for inodes that have changed and changed inodes of the interesting qtree for changed data blocks. The SnapMirror software then transfers only the new or changed data blocks from this Snapshot copy that is associated with the designated qtree. On the destination volume, a new Snapshot copy is then created that contains a complete point-in-time copy of the entire destination volume, but that is associated specifically with the particular qtree that has been replicated.

destination-filer> snapmirror initialize -S source-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree destination-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapmirror status' or the snapmirror log.

4) Monitoring the status : Snapmirror data transfer status can be monitored either from source or destination filer. Use "snapmirror status" to check the status.

destination-filer> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Status
source-filer:demo_source destination-filer:demo_destination Uninitialized - Transferring (1690 MB done)
source-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree destination-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree Uninitialized - Transferring (32 MB done)

5) Snapmirror schedule : This is the schedule used by the destination filer for updating the mirror. It informs the SnapMirror scheduler when transfers will be initiated. The schedule field can either contain the word sync to specify synchronous mirroring or a cron-style specification of when to update the mirror. The cronstyle schedule contains four space-separated fields.

If you want to sync the data on a scheduled frequency, you can set that in destination filer's /etc/snapmirror.conf . The time settings are similar to Unix cron. You can set a synchronous snapmirror schedule in /etc/snapmirror.conf by adding “sync” instead of the cron style frequency.

destination-filer> rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
source-filer:demo_source destination-filer:demo_destination - 0 * * * # This syncs every hour
source-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree destination-filer:/vol/demo1/qtree - 0 21 * * # This syncs every 9:00 pm

6) Other Snapmirror commands

  • To break snapmirror relation - do snapmirror quiesce and snapmirror break.
  • To update snapmirror data - do snapmirror update
  • To resync a broken relation - do snapmirror resync.
  • To abort a relation - do snapmirror abort

Snapmirror do provide multipath support. More than one physical path between a source and a destination system might be desired for a mirror relationship. Multipath support allows SnapMirror traffic to be load balanced between these paths and provides for failover in the event of a network outage.

To read how to tune the performance & speed of the netapp snapmirror or snapvault replication transfers and adjust the transfer bandwidth , go to Tuning Snapmirror & Snapvault replication data transfer speed


Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to check symmetric environment status i.e powersupply

# ./symcfg -sid 2705 list -env_data

Symmetrix ID : 000000002705
Timestamp of Status Data : 08/23/2010 01:22:32

System Bay

Bay Name : SystemBay
Number of Fans : 3
Number of Power Supplies : 6
Number of Standby of Power Supplies : 6

Summary Status of Contained Modules
All Fans : Normal
All Power Supplies : Normal
All Standby Power Supplies : Normal

Drive Bays

Bay Name : Bay-1A
Number of Standby of Power Supplies : 8
Number of Drive Enclosures : 16

Summary Status of Contained Modules
All Enclosures : Normal
All Link Control Cards : Normal
All Power Supplies : Normal
All Standby Power Supplies : Normal

Bay Name : Bay-2A
Number of Standby of Power Supplies : 8
Number of Drive Enclosures : 16

Summary Status of Contained Modules
All Enclosures : Normal
All Link Control Cards : Normal
All Power Supplies : Normal
All Standby Power Supplies : Normal

Commons SYMCLI


  • symcfg list - A brief description of the all connected Symmetrix boxes.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 remove - Remove the array 1234 from symcfg list.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -lockn all - List all the external locks held in Symmetrix array 1234.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 -lockn 15 release -force - Release the lock 15 held on array 1234 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -v - Displays detailed information about the Symmetrix Array 1234.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 -dir 4a -p 0 list -addr -avail - List the LUN information / availability of lun ids on port 4a0 in array 1234 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all - List details about all the rdf groups in array.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg 3 - List details about rdf group 3 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all -dynamic - List details about all the dynamic rdf groups in array .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all -static - List details about all the static rdf groups in array .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -ra all - List all RA ports with details like rdfg number , remote array sid and online status.
  • symcfg discover - Scans all the devices in hosts looking for new symmetrix devices and rebuilds the symmetrix configuration database .


  • symdev -sid 1234 list - List all devices in symmetrix 1234.
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -noport - List the devices which are not mapped to any ports.
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -noport -meta - List all unmapped meta devices .
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -dynamic - List all devices whose dyn_rdf attribute set .
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -hotspare - Checks whether hotspare invoked in the array .
  • symdev -sid 1234 show ABC - show the detailed information about devioce ABC.
  • symdev -sid 1234 write_disable ABC -SA all - Write disable the device ABC from through all directors.
  • symdev -sid 1234 not_ready ABC -SA all - Not ready the device ABC from through all directors.


  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -dev ABC list assign - List the masking details of the dev ABC .
  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -wwn xxxxxxx list devs - List the devices masked to given wwn number .
  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -awwn hba_alias list devs - List the devices masked to given alias hba name .


  • symmask list hba - List HBA details of the host.
  • symmask -sid 1234 -dir 4a -p 0 list logins - List out wwns logged through port 4a0 .
  • symmask -sid 1234 list logins -wwn xxx - Check whether wwn xxx logged in to any of the FAs on array 1234.
  • symmask -sid 1234 refresh - Refresh the VCM Data Base after a masking and unmasking operation.
  • symmask -sid 1234 -wwn xxxx -dir 4a -p 0 add devs ABC,ABD - Mask the devices ABC and ABD to given wwn in 1234 arrray .
  • symmask -sid 1234 -wwn xxxx -dir 4a -p 0 remove devs ABC,ABD - Unmask the devices ABC and ABD from given wwn in 1234 arrray .


  • symdg -sid 1234 list - List device groups which include the devices from array 1234.
  • symdg create mydg -type rdf1 - Create device group mydg of rdf1 type .
  • symdg show mydg - Shows members/details of mydg.
  • symdg rename mydg yourdg - Renames the mydg to yourdg.
  • symdg delete mydg -force - Delete device group mydg.


  • symld -g mydg -sid 1234 add dev ABC DEV006 - Add the RDF device ABC to device group mydg as DEV006
  • symld -g mydg remove DEV006 - Remove DEV006 form device group mydg.


  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -type rdf1 -file rdf.txt -g mydg createpair -establish - Establish the SRDF relation between the devices given in the file rdf.txt from array 1234(R1) and remote box according to the rdf group . This command start sync between R1 and R2, and also add these devices after creating the device group mydg.
  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -file rdf.txt query - Query the Devices by using device pair file.
  • symrdf -g mydg set mode acp_disk - Set synching mode to Adaptive Copy.
  • symrdf -g mydg query - Query device group.
  • symrdf -g mydg split - Split the srdf pair for devices given in mydg.
  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -file rdf.txt deletepair.txt -force - Delete the srdf pairing between R1/R2 and return them to stanadard.


  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -hotspare - List Hotspares configured in the array.
  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -by_diskgroup - Displays all the disks in array by disk groups.
  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -diskg_group 1 - Displays all the disks in disk group 1.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to rename wwn of the hosts to hostname/port#


symmask -sid xxxx -wwn rename hostname/hba#

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Command to check disk presented to HBA

cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev

example of output

# cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c7 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8ab,0 array-ctrl connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8ab,1 tape connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8ab,2 tape connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8b2,0 array-ctrl connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8b2,1 tape connected configured unknown
c7::500308c001a1b8b2,2 tape connected configured unknown
c8 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,0 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,17 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,18 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,19 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,20 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,48 disk connected configured unknown
c8::5006048c52a65906,49 disk connected configured unknown
c9 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,0 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,17 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,18 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,19 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,20 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,48 disk connected configured unknown
c9::5006048c52a65909,49 disk connected configured unknown

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scan for new disks


AIX# cfgmgr
AIX# fget_config -Av


Solaris# devfsadm
Solaris# cfgadm -a
Solaris# format (to view new devices)

Sun Solaris 9 Commands to Connect SAN Disks

There are always a bunch of strange commands to connect a server to SAN disks. In my case, I’m running Solaris 9, using QLogic Fibre Channel cards, and connecting to an IBM DS4300.

1) Connect the Solaris server SAN disks. After I made the connection, the GUI that allows me to zone the SAN recognized the QLogic connections, and I zoned the LUNs.

If you need more detailed instructions, here are some potentially useful posts: How to Zone a Brocade SAN Switch and How to Zone IBM DS4000 SAN Disks.

2) Scan your disks, and it should show up as a new disk when you run “format”.

Solaris# devfsadm
Solaris# format

My result: No new disks. Sigh.

3) Run a bunch of cryptic but useful diagnostic commands:

To see your HBA ports and whether you’re connected:

Solaris# luxadm -e port
Found path to 3 HBA ports
/devices/pci@8,700000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED
/devices/pci@8,700000/SUNW,qlc@2,1/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED
/devices/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED

To see your disks:

Solaris# luxadm probe

To see your HBA ports (type fc-private, below) and their connected disks (type disk):

Solaris# cfgadm -al

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c8 fc-private connected configured unknown
c8::200800a0b8199b3b disk connected configured unknown
c9 fc-private connected configured unknown
c9::200900a0b8199b3b disk connected configured unknown

4) Force Fibre Channel SAN disk rescan, since everything looks connected and okay. Use your device path from “luxadm -e port” output.

Solaris# luxadm -e forcelip /devices/pci@8,700000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0:devctl
Solaris# luxadm -e forcelip /devices/pci@8,700000/SUNW,qlc@2,1/fp@0,0:devctl
Solaris# luxadm -e forcelip /devices/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0:devctl

5) Rerun format command.

Solaris # format

0. c1t0d0
1. c1t1d0 t2
2. c7t600A0B801019B1B2002032A5489C60F3d0


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Examples of Symaccess CLI

# symaccess -sid 515 list

Symmetrix ID : 111192601515

Group Name Count Count Type
-------------------------------- ----- ----- ---------
qqqS005_IG - - Initiator
qqqUXRAC01_IG - - Initiator
rrrXRAC02_IG - - Initiator
eeeXRAC01_US1SDUXRAC02_IG - - Initiator
eeREM001_IG - - Initiator
eeRAC35_IG - - Initiator
xxx15_8e1_9e1 - - Port
xxx515_5e0_6e0 - - Port
xxx515_5e1_6e1 - - Port
xx15_5f0_6f0 - - Port
xxx5_5f1_6f1 - - Port
xx5_5g0_6g0 - - Port
xxxQL001_SG - - Storage
xxxPACE02_SG - - Storage
xx035_SG - - Storage
xxxP001_SG - - Storage
xxRAC15_xxxRAC16_SG - - Storage
KOxxxC15_SG - - Storage
KOxxx16_SG - - Storage

#symacces -sid 515 list view

xxxS029_view xxxS029_IG bb_Symm_1515_3* Ufs029_SG
xxxS028_view UxxxS028_IG bb_Symm_1515_3* sff028_SG
xxxA1N1_view KxxxN1_IG bb_1515_8e0_9e0 KdsdA1N1_SG
xxxA1N2_view KOxx1N2_IG cc_1515_8e0_9e0 KdfA1N2_SG
KxxS088_view KxxxS088_IG ccc1515_8f0_9f0 dfUS088_SG
UxxxS021_view xxxUS021_IG ff1515_5e0_6* UdffS021_SG
xxxUS018_view vvvUS018_IG ffm_1515_5e0_6* ddf018_SG
xxxUS020_view bbbUS020_IG ffm_1515_5e0_6* d020_SG
xxxNEAM001_view UvvvAWNEAM001_IG Sddd5_8e0_7e0 dddNEAM001_SG
xxxS019_view UvvUS019_IG ddd1515_5e0_6* vvvUS019_SG

# symaccess -sid 515 list devinfo -ig S020_IG

Symmetrix ID : 0000000001515

Initiator Group Name : S020_IG
Last updated at : 11:09:04 AM on Fri Apr 23,2010

Host Initiators
WWN :1111001b32b47a66
WWN :1111001b32b44268

Sym Host Cap
Dev Dir:P Physical Device Name Lun Attr (MB) Masking View Name
----- ----- ----------------------- ---- ---- ------ ------------------------
0F94 05E:0 Not Visible 0 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 0 (M) S020_view
0F9C 05E:0 Not Visible 1 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 1 (M) S020_view
0FA4 05E:0 Not Visible 2 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 2 (M) S020_view
0FAC 05E:0 Not Visible 3 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 3 (M) S020_view
0FB4 05E:0 Not Visible 4 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 4 (M) S020_view
0FBC 05E:0 Not Visible 5 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 5 (M) S020_view
0FC4 05E:0 Not Visible 6 (M) 69060 S020_view
06E:0 Not Visible 6 (M) S020_view
Total Capacity 483420

# symaccess -sid 515 show S020_SG -type storage

Symmetrix ID : 11111101515

Storage Group Name : S020_SG
Last updated at : 11:09:04 AM on Fri Apr 23,2010

Devices : 0F94 0F9C 0FA4 0FAC 0FB4 0FBC 0FC4

Masking View Names

# symaccess -sid 515 show S020_IG -type initiator

Symmetrix ID : 111112601515

Initiator Group Name : S020_IG
Last updated at : 11:09:04 AM on Fri Apr 23,2010

Host Initiators
WWN :1111001b32b47a66
WWN :1111001b32b44268

Masking View Names

Parent Initiator Groups

# symaccess -sid 515 show xx15_5e0_6e0 -type port

Symmetrix ID : 12122601515

Port Group Name : xx1515_5e0_6e0
Last updated at : 07:28:52 AM on Fri Apr 23,2010

Director Identification

Masking View Names

# symaccess -sid 515 list assignment -dev 0F94

Symmetrix ID : xxxxx2601515

Device Identifier Type Dir:P
------ ---------------- ----- ----------------
0F94 111101b32b47a66 FIBRE FA-5E:0,FA-6E:0
1111001b32b44268 FIBRE FA-5E:0,FA-6E:0

How select select devices from particular a disk group

symdev list -noport -disk_group#


# symdev -sid 515 list -noport -disk_group 1

Symmetrix ID: 000192xxxxx

Device Name Directors Device
--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB)
--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------

0109 Not Visible ???:? 07D:C7 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 115095
0123 Not Visible ???:? 10B:D9 RAID-5 N/Grp'd RW 14387
0124 Not Visible ???:? 10A:C9 RAID-5 N/Grp'd RW 14387
0127 Not Visible ???:? 09B:DE RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 115095
012F Not Visible ???:? 09B:D8 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 115095
0137 Not Visible ???:? 09B:D6 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 115095
013F Not Visible ???:? 09B:DA RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 115095
0147 Not Visible ???:? 07B:D4 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) NR 71934
0168 Not Visible ???:? 07A:DD RAID-5 N/Grp'd NR 14387
0177 Not Visible ???:? 07B:C5 RAID-5 N/Grp'd NR 14387
0179 Not Visible ???:? 07B:DA RAID-5 N/Grp'd NR 14387
0204 Not Visible ???:? 09A:D1 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
0209 Not Visible ???:? 07D:DC RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
020E Not Visible ???:? 09A:D9 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
0213 Not Visible ???:? 10B:DD RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
0218 Not Visible ???:? 09A:C6 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
021D Not Visible ???:? 09B:CB RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
0222 Not Visible ???:? 10A:D8 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 71934
02A9 Not Visible ???:? 08D:D3 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) RW 71934
02CF Not Visible ???:? 07D:D8 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02D1 Not Visible ???:? 07D:C5 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) RW 28774
02D3 Not Visible ???:? 08D:D5 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02D5 Not Visible ???:? 08D:CA RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02D7 Not Visible ???:? 10B:C2 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02D9 Not Visible ???:? 07D:C7 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02DB Not Visible ???:? 08D:D7 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02DD Not Visible ???:? 09B:D4 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 28774
02E1 Not Visible ???:? 10B:D3 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) RW 28774
02E3 Not Visible ???:? 09B:C3 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) RW 43161
02E6 Not Visible ???:? 09A:C0 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 43161
02E9 Not Visible ???:? 10B:D1 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 43161
02EC Not Visible ???:? 09A:D1 RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 43161
02EF Not Visible ???:? 08D:CC RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 43161
02F2 Not Visible ???:? 07C:CC RDF2+R-5 N/Grp'd (M) WD 43161
02F5 Not Visible ???:? 09B:C9 RAID-5 N/Grp'd (M) RW 43161


symdisk -sid 123 list -by_diskgroup
symdisk -sid 123 list -disk_group

Saturday, June 19, 2010

VMAX Symaccess CLI Commands

■symaccess -sid 1234 list - List all Initiator,Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -v - List all Initiator,Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234 along with related Masking Views
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type initiator - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list view - List masking views Created for Array 1234 with related groups details
■symaccess -sid 1234 list assignment -dev 9A0:9AF - Shows the masking details of devices from 9A0 to 9AF
■symaccess -sid 1234 list no_assignments -dirport 12f:1 - Shows the devices are mapped to 12f:1 but not masked.
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup - List all groups named MyGroup
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup -v - List all groups named MyGroup and also shows the related Masking Views
■symaccess -sid 1234 list devinfo -ig MyInitiator - List the details of devices assigned to the initiatorgroup MyInitiator
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyStorageGroup -type storage - Shows the contents of storage group MyStorageGroup Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyInitiatorGroup -type initiator - Shows the contents of initiator group MyInitiatorGroup Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyPortGroup -type port - Shows the contents of port group MyPortGroup Createdon Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show view MyView - Shows the contents of view MyView Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt backup - Creates a file MyBackup containing all the group and view information currently on the Symmetrix array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt restore - Restores all the group, view and security information from the specified backupup file
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 create -wwn 1000000000000001 - Creates and initiator group called Host1 by adding the specified wwn
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 add -wwn 1000000000000002 - Add the specified wwn in to the existing initiator group Host1
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type port -name 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -dirport 3e:0,4e:0,13e:0,10e:0 create - Create the portgroup E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 with specified ports
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 create devs AAA:AAB - Create the storage group Host1 with specified range of devices
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 add devs AAA:AAB - Create the storage group Host1 with specified range of devices
■symaccess -sid 1234 create view -name Host1_Allocation -sg Host1 -pg 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -ig Host1 - Create a masking view combined with specified groupsymaccess
■symaccess -sid 1234 list - List all Initiator,Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -v - List all Initiator,Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234 along with related Masking Views
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type initiator - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port - List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 list view - List masking views Created for Array 1234 with related groups details
■symaccess -sid 1234 list assignment -dev 9A0:9AF - Shows the masking details of devices from 9A0 to 9AF
■symaccess -sid 1234 list no_assignments -dirport 12f:1 - Shows the devices are mapped to 12f:1 but not masked.
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup - List all groups named MyGroup
■symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup -v - List all groups named MyGroup and also shows the related Masking Views
■symaccess -sid 1234 list devinfo -ig MyInitiator - List the details of devices assigned to the initiatorgroup MyInitiator
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyStorageGroup -type storage - Shows the contents of storage group MyStorageGroup Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyInitiatorGroup -type initiator - Shows the contents of initiator group MyInitiatorGroup Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show MyPortGroup -type port - Shows the contents of port group MyPortGroup Createdon Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 show view MyView - Shows the contents of view MyView Created on Array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt backup - Creates a file MyBackup containing all the group and view information currently on the Symmetrix array 1234
■symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt restore - Restores all the group, view and security information from the specified backupup file
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 create -wwn 1000000000000001 - Creates and initiator group called Host1 by adding the specified wwn
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 add -wwn 1000000000000002 - Add the specified wwn in to the existing initiator group Host1
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type port -name 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -dirport 3e:0,4e:0,13e:0,10e:0 create - Create the portgroup E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 with specified ports
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 create devs AAA:AAB - Create the storage group Host1 with specified range of devices
■symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 add devs AAA:AAB - Create the storage group Host1 with specified range of devices
■symaccess -sid 1234 create view -name Host1_Allocation -sg Host1 -pg 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -ig Host1 - Create a masking view combined with specified group

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Recognizing new symm disk on HPUX

Recognizing new symm disk on HPUX

# ioscan -fn (you may direct the output to a file by adding > filename)

Check new disks are visible to OS using:
# ioscan -kfnC disk (New disks will have no device files)

disk 103 0/0/10/0/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE EMC SYMMETRIX
/dev/dsk/c28t11d0 /dev/rdsk/c28t11d0
disk 105 0/0/10/0/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE EMC SYMMETRIX
/dev/dsk/c28t11d1 /dev/rdsk/c28t11d1
disk 107 0/0/10/0/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE EMC SYMMETRIX
/dev/dsk/c28t11d2 /dev/rdsk/c28t11d2
disk 109 0/0/10/0/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE EMC SYMMETRIX
/dev/dsk/c28t11d3 /dev/rdsk/c28t11d3
disk 111 0/0/10/0/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE EMC SYMMETRIX

in this example; disk 111 is a new disk.

For system to create new device file

#insf -e

Common Symmetrix CLI command

# ./symcfg list


Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm

SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices

00019010xxxx Local DMX3-24 5771 49152 2 5717

00019010xxxx Local DMX4-24 5773 65536 33 6495

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 list

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx


Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm

SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices

00019010xxxx Local DMX3-24 5771 49152 2 5717

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 list -v

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx

Time Zone : EDT

Product Model : DMX3-24

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Microcode Version (Number) : 5771 (168B0000)

Microcode Date : 08.20.2008

Microcode Patch Date : 08.20.2008

Microcode Patch Level : 111

Cache Size (Mirrored) : 49152 (MB)

# of Available Cache Slots : 488215

# of PermaCache Slots In Use : 144

Max # of System Write Pending Slots : 390953

Max # of DA Write Pending Slots : 195476

Max # of Device Write Pending Slots : 19545

Symmetrix Total Operating Time : 1056 days, 16:10:38

Symmetrix Power ON Time : Mon Jul 9 13:06:28 2007

Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold) : Mon Jul 9 14:46:50 2007

Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot) : Sun May 30 09:48:12 2010

Host DB Sync Time : Mon May 31 05:17:06 2010

Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

Built with SYMAPI Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

SYMAPI Run Time Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

SYMAPI Server Version : unavailable

Number of Configured (Sym) Devices : 5717

Number of Visible (Host) Devices : 2

Number of Configured Actual Disks : 356

Number of Configured Hot Spares : 4

Number of Unconfigured Disks : 0

Maximum number of hypers per disk : 255

Number of Powerpath Devices : 0

Powerpath Run Time Version : 5.0.2

SDDF Configuration State : Enabled

Configuration Change State : Enabled

WORM Configuration Level : N/A

WORM Characteristics : N/A

Symmetrix Configuration Checksum : 13DF57A

Switched RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Concurrent RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Dynamic RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Disabled

RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled

Access Control Configuration State : Disabled

Device Masking (VCM) Config State : Mixed

VCMdb Access Restricted State : N/A

Multi LRU Device Assignment : BY_NUMBER

Disk Group Assignments : In Use

Hot Swap Policy : Permanent

Symmetrix Disk Library : Disabled

FBA Geometry Emulation : Native

3 Dynamic Mirrors : Disabled

Cache Partitioning : N/A

IPSec Status : N/A

Parity Raid Configuration : N/A

Raid-5 Configuration : N/A

Raid-6 Configuration : N/A

PAV Mode : DynamicStandardPAV

PAV Alias Limit : 31

SRDF/A Maximum Host Throttle (Secs) : 0

SRDF/A Maximum Cache Usage (Percent) : 94

Auto Meta : N/A

Auto Meta Member Size : N/A

Auto Meta Configuration : N/A

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -dir all list -sid 05

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx


Ident Symbolic Numeric Slot Type Status

DF-1A 01A 1 1 DISK Online

DF-2A 02A 2 2 DISK Online

FA-7A 07A 7 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8A 08A 8 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9A 09A 9 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10A 10A 10 10 FibreChannel Online

DF-15A 15A 15 15 DISK Online

DF-16A 16A 16 16 DISK Online

DF-1B 01B 17 1 DISK Online

DF-2B 02B 18 2 DISK Online

FA-7B 07B 23 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8B 08B 24 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9B 09B 25 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10B 10B 26 10 FibreChannel Online

DF-15B 15B 31 15 DISK Online

DF-16B 16B 32 16 DISK Online

DF-1C 01C 33 1 DISK Online

DF-2C 02C 34 2 DISK Online

FA-7C 07C 39 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8C 08C 40 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9C 09C 41 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10C 10C 42 10 FibreChannel Online

DF-15C 15C 47 15 DISK Online

DF-16C 16C 48 16 DISK Online

DF-1D 01D 49 1 DISK Online

DF-2D 02D 50 2 DISK Online

FA-7D 07D 55 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8D 08D 56 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9D 09D 57 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10D 10D 58 10 FibreChannel Online

DF-15D 15D 63 15 DISK Online

DF-16D 16D 64 16 DISK Online

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 list -sa all

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx


Ident Symbolic Numeric Slot Type Status

FA-7A 07A 7 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8A 08A 8 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9A 09A 9 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10A 10A 10 10 FibreChannel Online

FA-7B 07B 23 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8B 08B 24 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9B 09B 25 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10B 10B 26 10 FibreChannel Online

FA-7C 07C 39 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8C 08C 40 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9C 09C 41 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10C 10C 42 10 FibreChannel Online

FA-7D 07D 55 7 FibreChannel Online

FA-8D 08D 56 8 FibreChannel Online

FA-9D 09D 57 9 FibreChannel Online

FA-10D 10D 58 10 FibreChannel Online

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -fa all list -port -sid 05

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx


Director Port Status Connection Status

Ident Type Status P0 P1 P2 P3 P0 P1 P2 P3

FA-7A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-8A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-9A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-10A FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-7B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-8B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-9B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-10B FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-7C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-8C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-9C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X X - -

FA-10C FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-7D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -

FA-8D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-9D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A X - - -

FA-10D FibreChannel Online ON ON N/A N/A - - - -

Legend for Connection Status:

(X) : Fibre Port is Connected to a Fibre Port (HBA, Switch or RF Director)

(-) : Fibre Port is Not Connected.

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 list -sa 10a -v

Symmetrix ID: 00019010xxxx

Time Zone : EDT

Product Model : DMX3-24

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Microcode Version (Number) : 5771 (168B0000)

Microcode Date : 08.20.2008

Microcode Patch Date : 08.20.2008

Microcode Patch Level : 111

Cache Size (Mirrored) : 49152 (MB)

# of Available Cache Slots : 488215

# of PermaCache Slots In Use : 144

Max # of System Write Pending Slots : 390953

Max # of DA Write Pending Slots : 195476

Max # of Device Write Pending Slots : 19545

Symmetrix Total Operating Time : 1056 days, 16:23:16

Symmetrix Power ON Time : Mon Jul 9 13:06:28 2007

Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold) : Mon Jul 9 14:46:50 2007

Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot) : Sun May 30 09:48:12 2010

Host DB Sync Time : Mon May 31 00:01:29 2010

Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

Built with SYMAPI Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

SYMAPI Run Time Version : V6.5.2.0 (Edit Level: 891)

SYMAPI Server Version : unavailable

Number of Configured (Sym) Devices : 5717

Number of Visible (Host) Devices : 2

Number of Configured Actual Disks : 356

Number of Configured Hot Spares : 4

Number of Unconfigured Disks : 0

Maximum number of hypers per disk : 255

Number of Powerpath Devices : 0

Powerpath Run Time Version : 5.0.2

SDDF Configuration State : Enabled

Configuration Change State : Enabled

WORM Configuration Level : N/A

WORM Characteristics : N/A

Symmetrix Configuration Checksum : 13DF57A

Switched RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Concurrent RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Dynamic RDF Configuration State : Disabled

Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Disabled

RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled

Access Control Configuration State : Disabled

Device Masking (VCM) Config State : Mixed

VCMdb Access Restricted State : N/A

Multi LRU Device Assignment : BY_NUMBER

Disk Group Assignments : In Use

Hot Swap Policy : Permanent

Symmetrix Disk Library : Disabled

FBA Geometry Emulation : Native

3 Dynamic Mirrors : Disabled

Cache Partitioning : N/A

IPSec Status : N/A

Parity Raid Configuration : N/A

Raid-5 Configuration : N/A

Raid-6 Configuration : N/A

PAV Mode : DynamicStandardPAV

PAV Alias Limit : 31

SRDF/A Maximum Host Throttle (Secs) : 0

SRDF/A Maximum Cache Usage (Percent) : 94

Auto Meta : N/A

Auto Meta Member Size : N/A

Auto Meta Configuration : N/A

Director Identification: FA-10A

Director Type : FibreChannel

Director Status : Online

Number of Director Ports : 2

Director Ports Status : [ON,ON,N/A,N/A]

Director Connection Status : [Yes,Yes,N/A,N/A]

Director Symbolic Number : 10A

Director Numeric Number : 10

Director Slot Number : 10

Director Port: 0

WWN Node Name : 50060482D52F2C49

WWN Port Name : 50060482D52F2C49

Fibre Channel Loop ID : N/A

Fibre Adapter Type : N/A

SCSI Flags


Negotiate_Reset(N) : Disabled

Soft_Reset(S) : Disabled

Environ_Set(E) : Disabled

HP3000_Mode(B) : Disabled

Common_Serial_Number(C) : Enabled

Disable_Q_Reset_on_UA(D) : Disabled

Sunapee(SCL) : Disabled

Siemens(S) : Disabled

Sequent(SEQ) : Disabled

Avoid_Reset_Broadcast(ARB) : Disabled

Server_On_AS400(A4S) : Disabled

SCSI_3(SC3) : Enabled

SPC2_Protocol_Version(SPC2) : Disabled

SCSI_Support1(OS2007) : Disabled


Fibre Specific Flags


Volume_Set_Addressing(V) : Disabled

Non_Participating(NP) : Disabled

Init_Point_to_Point(PP) : Enabled

Unique_WWN(UWN) : Enabled

VCM_State(VCM) : Enabled

OpenVMS(OVMS) : Disabled

AS400(AS4) : Disabled

Auto_Negotiate(EAN) : Enabled


bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 -connections list

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Symmetrix Host

------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

Director Port Node Name IP Address HW Type OS Name OS Revision

-------- ---- ------------- --------------- -------- -------- -----------

DF-1A N/A hk19010xxxx 19x.168.176.253 INTEL WinNT-SP 5.0.2195

FA-7B 1 xxxq4 14x.193.71.13 xxx4u SunOS 5.8

1 xxxsxbak01 14x.193.71.105 xxx4u SunOS 5.8

FA-10B 1 xxxxq4 14x.193.71.13 xxx4u SunOS 5.8

1 xxxxxxxbak01 14x.193.71.105 xxx4u SunOS 5.8

FA-9C 1 xxxxSCEL03CS 14x.193.79.205 i686 CelerraL 2.4.20-28.

bash-2.03# ./symcfg list -connections -sorthost -sid 05

Host Symmetrix

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Node Name IP Address OS Name OS Revision ID Director Port

------------ --------------- -------- ----------- ------------ -------- ----

xxxxCEL03CS 14x.193.79.205 CelerraL 2.4.20-28. 00019010xxxx FA-9C 1

xx9010xxxx 19x.168.176.253 WinNT-SP 5.0.2195 00019010xxxx DF-1A 0

xxxbak01 14x.193.71.105 SunOS 5.8 00019010xxxx FA-7B 1

00019010xxxx FA-10B 1

xxxunq4 14x.193.71.13 SunOS 5.8 00019010xxxx FA-7B 1

00019010xxxx FA-10B 1

bash-2.03# ./symcfg -sid 05 -application list

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Host Application

---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

Node Name IP Address ID Vendor ID Version Attr

------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------


Celerra CS EMC Corp -

xxx010xxxx N/A storapid EMC Corp 6.2.733.1 -


xxxsxbak01 N/A SYMCFG EMC Corp -




EVTdaemon EMC Corp -


storapid EMC Corp -

EMCpower EMC Corp -

ECC EMC Corp -

ECC EMC Corp -

xxxnq4 N/A SYMCFG EMC Corp -



EVTdaemon EMC Corp -

ECC EMC Corp -

storapid EMC Corp -

ECC EMC Corp -


bash-2.03# ./symmaskdb -sid 05 list database

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Database Type : Type6

Last updated at : 11:12:55 PM on Sat May 29,2010

Director Identification : FA-7A

Director Port : 0


Identifier Type Node Name Port Name Devices

---------------- ----- --------------------------------- ---------

210000e08b948f14 Fibre 210000e08b948f14 210000e08b948f14 0080

































210000e08b9bbf08 Fibre 210000e08b9bbf08 210000e08b9bbf08 0080


































210000e08b90f800 Fibre 210000e08b90f800 210000e08b90f800 None

2100001b32172f7f Fibre 2100001b32172f7f 2100001b32172f7f 01DD

bash-2.03# ./symmaskdb -sid 05 list database -wwn 210000e08b948f14

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Database Type : Type6

Last updated at : 11:12:55 PM on Sat May 29,2010

Director Identification : FA-7A

Director Port : 0


Identifier Type Node Name Port Name Devices

---------------- ----- --------------------------------- ---------

210000e08b948f14 Fibre 210000e08b948f14 210000e08b948f14 0080

































bash-2.03# ./symmaskdb list devs -wwn 210000e08b9bbf08 -sid 05

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Originator Port wwn : 210000e08b9bbf08

User-generated Name : 210000e08b9bbf08/210000e08b9bbf08

Sym Dev LUN

Name Dir:P Physical Device Name VBUS TID SYMM HOST Attr Cap(MB)

------ ----- ----------------------- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- -------

0080 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 1 N/A (M) 69052

0088 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 2 N/A (M) 69052

0090 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 3 N/A (M) 69052

0098 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 4 N/A (M) 69052

00A0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5 N/A (M) 69052

00A8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 6 N/A (M) 69052

00B0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 7 N/A (M) 69052

00B8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 8 N/A (M) 69052

00C0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 9 N/A (M) 69052

00C8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 10 N/A (M) 69052

00D0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 11 N/A (M) 69052

00D8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 12 N/A (M) 69052

00E0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 13 N/A (M) 69052

00E8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 14 N/A (M) 69052

00F0 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 15 N/A (M) 69052

00F8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 16 N/A 8631

00F9 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 17 N/A 8631

00FA 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 18 N/A 8631

00FB 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 19 N/A 8631

010C 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 32 N/A (M) 69052

0114 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 33 N/A (M) 69052

09BA 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 54 N/A (M) 69052

09C1 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 55 N/A (M) 69052

09C8 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 56 N/A (M) 69052

09CF 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 57 N/A (M) 69052

09D6 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 58 N/A (M) 69052

09DD 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 59 N/A (M) 69052

09E4 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5a N/A (M) 69052

0A74 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 b N/A (M) 69052

0ADC 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 80 N/A (M) 69052

0F64 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5c N/A (M) 69052

0F6C 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5d N/A (M) 69052

0F74 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5e N/A (M) 69052

0F7C 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 5f N/A (M) 69052

0F84 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 60 N/A (M) 69052

0F8C 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 61 N/A (M) 69052

0F94 7A:0 Not Visible 0 0 62 N/A (M) 69052

bash-2.03# ./symmaskdb -sid 05 list assigment -dev 0080

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Device Identifier Type Dir:P

------ ---------------- ----- ----------------

0080 210000e08b948f14 FIBRE FA-7A:0

210000e08b9bbf08 FIBRE FA-7A:0

210000e08b9b620c FIBRE FA-10A:0

210000e08b9a75fe FIBRE FA-10A:0

bash-2.03# ./symmask list hba -v (in a local host).

WWN : 10000000c92ed6ae

ip Address : N/A

Type : Fibre

Adapter : pci@18,600000/lpfc@1

Physical Device Path : /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s2

Director Identification : FA-7B

Director Port : 1

WWN : 210100e08b37a614

ip Address : N/A

Type : Fibre

Adapter : @19,700000/SUNW,qlc@2,1

Physical Device Path : /dev/rdsk/c9t50060482D52F2C79d0s2

Director Identification : FA-10B

Director Port : 1

WWN : 10000000c92ed4f3

ip Address : N/A

Type : Fibre

Adapter : pci@18,600000/lpfc@1

Physical Device Path : N/A

Director Identification : N/A

Director Port : N/A

bash-2.03# ./symdev show 0080 -sid 05

Device Physical Name : Not Visible

Device Symmetrix Name : 0080

Device Serial ID : N/A

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Attached BCV Device : N/A

Attached VDEV TGT Device : N/A

Vendor ID : EMC


Product Revision : 5771

Device WWN : 6006048000019010xxxx533030303830

Device Emulation Type : FBA

Device Defined Label Type: N/A

Device Defined Label : N/A

Device Sub System Id : 0x0001

Cache Partition Name : N/A

Device Block Size : 512

Device Capacity


Cylinders : 73656

Tracks : 1104840

512-byte Blocks : 141419520

MegaBytes : 69053

KiloBytes : 70709760


Device Configuration : 2-Way Mir (Meta Head,

Non-Exclusive Access)

Device is WORM Enabled : No

Device is WORM Protected : No

SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Enabled

Dynamic Spare Invoked : No

Dynamic RDF Capability : None

STAR Mode : No

STAR Recovery Capability : None

STAR Recovery State : NA

Device Service State : Normal

Device Status : Ready (RW)

Device SA Status : Ready (RW)

Front Director Paths (4):




--------- ---------- ---- -------- ---------

PdevName Type Type Num Sts VBUS TID SYMM Host


Not Visible N/A FA 07A:0 RW 000 00 001 N/A

Not Visible N/A FA 10A:0 RW 000 00 001 N/A

Not Visible N/A FA 07B:1 RW 000 00 01E N/A

Not Visible N/A FA 10B:1 RW 000 00 01E N/A


Meta Configuration : Striped

Meta Stripe Size : 960k (1 Cylinders)

Meta Device Members (8) :




---------------------------- --------------------------

Sym Cap Std Inv BCV Inv Pair R1 Inv R2 Inv Pair

Dev (MB) Tracks Tracks State Tracks Tracks State


--> 0080 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0081 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0082 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0083 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0084 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0085 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0086 8632 - - N/A - - N/A

0087 8632 - - N/A - - N/A


69053 - - - -


Mirror Set Type : [Data,Data,N/A,N/A]

Mirror Set DA Status : [RW,RW,N/A,N/A]

Mirror Set Inv. Tracks : [0,0,0,0]

Back End Disk Director Information


Hyper Type : Data

Hyper Status : Ready (RW)

Disk [Director, Interface, TID] : [01A, C, 4]

Disk Director Volume Number : 64 (0x3F)

Hyper Number : 1

Disk Capacity : 286102m

Disk Group Number : 0

Hyper Type : Data

Hyper Status : Ready (RW)

Disk [Director, Interface, TID] : [15A, C, 4]

Disk Director Volume Number : 64 (0x3F)

Hyper Number : 1

Disk Capacity : 286102m

Disk Group Number : 0


bash-2.03# ./symmaskdb -sid 05 -dev 0080 list assignment -v

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Device No. : 0080

WWN : 210000e08b948f14

Type : Fibre

Directors : FA-7A:0

WWN : 210000e08b9bbf08

Type : Fibre

Directors : FA-7A:0

WWN : 210000e08b9b620c

Type : Fibre

Directors : FA-10A:0

WWN : 210000e08b9a75fe

Type : Fibre

Directors : FA-10A:0

# ./symmaskdb -sid 05 list capacity -host 210000e08b8984fd

Symmetrix ID : 00019010xxxx

Host Name : 210000e08b8984fd

Identifiers Found : 210000e08b8984fd

Device Cap(MB) Attr Dir:P

------ ------- ---- ----

012D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0135 69052 (M) 7B:0

013D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0145 69052 (M) 7B:0

014D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0155 69052 (M) 7B:0

015D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0165 69052 (M) 7B:0

016D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0175 69052 (M) 7B:0

017D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0185 69052 (M) 7B:0

018D 69052 (M) 7B:0

0195 69052 (M) 7B:0

019D 69052 (M) 7B:0

01A5 69052 (M) 7B:0

01AD 69052 (M) 7B:0

01B5 69052 (M) 7B:0

036C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0374 69052 (M) 7B:0

037C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0384 69052 (M) 7B:0

038C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0394 69052 (M) 7B:0

03DC 69052 (M) 7B:0

03E4 69052 (M) 7B:0

03EC 69052 (M) 7B:0

03F4 69052 (M) 7B:0

03FC 69052 (M) 7B:0

044C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0494 25894 (M) 7B:0

07CA 69052 (M) 7B:0

07D2 69052 (M) 7B:0

07DA 69052 (M) 7B:0

07E2 69052 (M) 7B:0

07EA 69052 (M) 7B:0

07F2 69052 (M) 7B:0

07FA 69052 (M) 7B:0

0802 69052 (M) 7B:0

080A 69052 (M) 7B:0

0812 69052 (M) 7B:0

081A 69052 (M) 7B:0

0822 69052 (M) 7B:0

0946 8631 7B:0

0947 8631 7B:0

0948 8631 7B:0

0949 8631 7B:0

0AE4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0D24 69052 (M) 7B:0

0DDC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0DE4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0DEC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0DF4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0DFC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0E04 69052 (M) 7B:0

0EEC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0EF4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0EFC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0F04 69052 (M) 7B:0

0F2C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0F34 69052 (M) 7B:0

0F9C 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FA4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FAC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FB4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FBC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FC4 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FCC 69052 (M) 7B:0

0FD4 69052 (M) 7B:0

1014 69052 (M) 7B:0

101C 69052 (M) 7B:0

1024 69052 (M) 7B:0

102C 69052 (M) 7B:0

1034 69052 (M) 7B:0

103C 69052 (M) 7B:0

1044 69052 (M) 7B:0

104C 69052 (M) 7B:0

1064 17263 (M) 7B:0

1066 17263 (M) 7B:0

1068 17263 (M) 7B:0

106A 17263 (M) 7B:0

106C 17263 (M) 7B:0

106E 17263 (M) 7B:0

110E 103578 (M) 7B:0

1500 491999 (M) 7B:0


MB Total:5731317

GB Total: 5597.0